Instructor Led Training

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Client/Server Training

Client/Server Analogy - Linear PresentationI have created the analogy that client/server technology is similar to a waiter and customer in a restaurant.  This linear presentation should be used in synchronous training.

Customer Service

FISH!  After viewing FISH! DVD on the Pike Place Fish Market, facilitated group discussion on the fundamentals of customer service including: play, make their day, be there, and choose your attitude.  Sample file coming soon!


To review the curriculum at the end of each day, incorporating games into training has maintained a level of enthusiasm for the learners:

bullet Window Painter Training - a Jeopardy-based game
bullet Patient Report Painter Training - a Jeopardy-based game

Technical Training

During any of my classes, the trainees will hear the concepts three (3) times - as they will learn by listening, learn by watching, and learn by doing.

  1. Learn by listening: when I am providing the lecture and presentation for Window Painter Training short versionImportant!  Due to current internet provider issues, PowerPoint files (including these game files) will have to be (a) saved to your computer and (b) then opened.  They cannot be opened directly from this password-protected web page.
  1. Learn by watching:  the learners watch my demonstration of the exercises using the live application.
  1. Learn by doing:  the trainees practice by doing exercises after each module.  At the end of each course, they will perform a customer simulation exercise to evaluate what was learned.  

Train the Trainer

Training Concepts Presentation.  After hiring three (3) divisional trainers to provide face-to-face instruction at the locations, we provided a week-long Train the Trainer sessions.  My contribution included a day long demonstration of the ADDIE module, a discussion of effective classroom training techniques, and a review of basic instructional design concepts such as chunking, white spacing, Bloom's taxonomy, and imagery used as a motivational strategy.  At the end of the day, we reviewed the day's training within two (2) crossword puzzles.


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Last modified: March 30, 2010