Blended Learning

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Management Training

Area Manager Reorganization Training. As three (3) different types of area managers oversaw the locations’ operations (i.e. one area manager for the location, another area manager for sales, and one more for clinical), reorganization was implemented to consolidate three (3) manager positions into one. Developed and implemented training for the new Area Manager role - which consisted of discussion points for the coaches and online training.

AM Orientation - Day 1

AM Orientation - Days 2 and 3


New Hire Orientations. As the company included 5,000 employees across 500 locations, it was not feasible to hold classroom training for the 5 primary roles. Therefore, I analyzed, designed, developed and implemented 2-3 week long orientations of blended learning for 3 of the 5 location's primary roles including sales reps, managers, and drivers. Also assisted with the development and implementation of the other 2 primary roles (i.e. clinicians and customer service reps.)

The orientations included the following components:

Discussion points for the coaches

Online courses

Corporate policies and forms

The following sample includes a few days of the Patient Service Technician (i.e. driver) new hire orientation for:

PST Orientation - Day 10

PST Orientation - Days 11 and 12


Post-training Survey.  To follow up on the completion of training, post-training surveys were sent to new employees 30 days after their new hire date. I continually evaluated to improve the orientations while updating the baseline/template orientation which was used for all 5 programs.  The following is one survey returned from a new Sale Rep after completing their orientation.

Sales Rep - Orientation Survey



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Last modified: March 30, 2010