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Literature Reviews

bulletCollectivities using groupware

Abstract:  Although the technology has been around for awhile, groupware has evolved over recent years.  A foundation is created by defining groupware, listing related terms, and developing a short history of how groupware has emerged.  Success factors of a team are analyzed in order to replicate the performance and outcomes.  Determining how to quantify effectiveness, efficiency, and employee satisfaction is a critical part in implementing a successful team and establishing when the deliverables have been achieved.  Although the sophistication of technology has made remarkable progress, the human factor is a large consideration of a successful team using groupware.  Dimensions of Adaptive Structuration Theory were explored which included attitudes of team members and their perception if the collaborative software was useful.  Transferring from the traditional work environment to using groupware is not as simple as one would anticipate.  Therefore, strategies are listed for potential growth of non-collated teams using groupware.  This review analyzed research of teams who worked in a collaborative environment, unencumbered by time and distance barriers, to meet objectives collectively using computer-augmented technologies.

bullet Exploring communication within non-collocated teams

Abstract:  Although groupware technology has evolved over recent years, technology advancements have far exceeded the understanding of human factors related to collaborative systems.  Transferring from a team approach to a virtual team is not as simple as one would anticipate.  For example, when the Clampetts moved from “the hills” to Beverly Hills, the Clampetts encountered different trust issues, had communication barriers to overcome in surviving in the “big city”, and experienced the new “fangled thing-a-ma-gigs” that their money could buy.  Although life is the same, everything is different.  Therefore, if traditional teams choose to act in a similar manner in a virtual environment, the expected outcomes may or may not be identical.  It can be suggested that underlying human factors sabotage team performance when utilizing groupware.  Defining groupware creates a foundation for this review of literature.  The human factors of technology, training and trust are analyzed to help understand how collectivities’ performance is impacted.  Determining how to overcome communication boundaries in using new technology is one factor in developing successful virtual teams.  Evaluating training needs has become an increasingly critical piece of team communication and group cohesiveness.  The challenges in overcoming trust issues in non-collocated teams will be considered.  The author examines possible strategies to making a more efficient and effective implementation of a virtual team.


Extra Holidays Manual.  This manual was developed quickly in a month - after a decision was made to close down a call center.  This included going to Mexico City to collect the paper-based content and interviewing subject matter experts - as well as designing and developing the training.  Consequently, this manual was used by (a) the instructor in a classroom and (b) the learners as a take-away from the class.

Window Painter Manual.  Developed in MS Word and converted to Adobe .pdf, this manual displays my technical writing skills.


Dynamic TIPS!  Developed the quarterly technical publication Dynamic TIPS (Training Information and Preparation Sessions) for the trainees and the customers' System Managers.  Also incorporated marketing strategies for revenue opportunities - such as upcoming classes, consultation packages, and conferences.

MUG SHOT!  Created the MUG SHOT (Macromedia User Group - Sharing Helpful Online Tips) newsletter – which shared lessons learned between content authors.

Project Plans

HR Training - Project Plan.  Developed project plan to manage four (4) Human Resources training modules including:  FMLA, LOA, EEOC, and Sexual Harassment.  Project plan originally created in Excel and later converted into an Adobe .pdf file - to make available in this portfolio.

Safety/Compliance Training - Project Plan.  Created project plan to manage launches of five (5) disparate safety training modules for Compliance.  Originally a Microsoft Project document.  Inserted screen prints of Project into Word, and converted the file into an Adobe .pdf file - so users without MS Project can view this file.

Workflow Charts

Applicant Flow Log.  Designed and implemented electronic Applicant Flow Log for Human Resources.  Previously, hiring managers completed hard copy documents and submitted it at year end - causing room for errors.  Applicant Flow Log is required for corporate's affirmative action plan.

Breeze Triaging Process.  Developed workflow to triage Breeze issues from end user to level 3 support (i.e. vendor.)

Content Publishing Workflow.  Developed content publishing process - displaying the flow from the person who is creating the content (i.e. subject matter expert/SME or content author) to Compliance Review, to Training and Development, and to IT Department.  This was presented at a symposium for all training-related employees.


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Last modified: March 30, 2010