Results - Evaluation (Kirkpatrick Model)


ParSCORE. Launched Scantron evaluations to track results for the instructor-led training’s "happy check" evaluations.


ParSCORE. Assisted launching Scantron evaluations to track results for the instructor-led training’s pre- and post-tests. 


Sales Rep Training Metrics. Designed and developed report for the COO, CSO, Divisional Vice Presidents and Regional Managers - to measure the ROI (return on investment) of the Sales Rep Training Academy and turnover. Measurement included the variance of sales commission points after training.

Results - Return on Investment

2007 Employee Satisfaction Survey. Increased employee satisfaction as determined by the second largest jump in annual employee satisfaction - which indicated, "I have received adequate training to perform the duties assigned to me." Training had a 10% increase in 12 months from 53% in 2006 to 63% to 2007 - after my new hire orientations were launched nationally.


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Last modified: August 04, 2008